Maybe your new black-and-white cat saunters into the room like he’s wearing a tuxedo at a black-tie fundraiser. Or is she always eyeing you as if she’s the judge and you’re accused of withholding snacks? Whatever your new kitten’s personality, their sophisticated black-and-white coat may offer the best clues for choosing the perfect name.
Classic black-and-white coloring lends itself to many categories of inspiration. For instance, a mostly black feline with a white chest is known as a “tuxedo,” naturally leading you to dapper names like Fred Astaire or Carey Grant. If your new feline friend has a body of either black or white and feet in the opposite hue, capitalize on her apparent footwear with a name like Boots, Socks, or Chuck Taylor.
Does your two-tone kitty have distinctive stripes or spots? A name like Zebra or Domino is suitable. Or you could honor a favorite movie character with black-and-white themed names like Cruella, Snoopy, or Matrix.
There are plenty of black and white cat names for your furry feline below, including names she’ll run to when you call her for dinner time.
Obvious Black-and-White Cat Names
- Ash
- Bandit
- Barcode
- Butler
- Charcoal
- Dottie
- Inky
- Inkblot
- Jeeves
- Mischief
- Polkadot
- Rorschach
- Speck
- Speckle
- Splatter
- Spot
- Spots
- Spuds
- Stripe
- Stripes
- Stripey
- Swirl
- Twilight
- Yin-Yang
Game-Inspired Black-and-White Cat Names
- Ace
- Checkers
- Chess
- Domino
- Joker
- Magic
- Marble
- Ref
- Soccer
- Umpire
Clothing-Inspired Black and White Cat Names
- Boots
- Bowtie
- Chuck Taylor
- Fedora
- Harley Davison
- Mittens
- Oxford
- Patch
- Patches
- Retro
- Socks
- Sneakers
- Vintage
Uniform-Inspired Black-and-White Cat Names
- Bolo
- Constable
- Copper
- Deputy
- Fuzz
- Garcon
- Guardian
- Judge
- Justice
- Officer
- Sheriff
- Vice
Tuxedo-Inspired Black-and-White Cat Names
- Fred Astaire
- Bowtie
- Cary Grant
- Cummerbund
- Fedora
- Groom
- Marlene Dietrich
- Pinstripe
- Spats
- Tails
- Tuxedo
- Vintage
Movie-Inspired Black-and-White Cat Names
- Bogey
- Bucky Barnes
- Charlie Chaplin
- Citizen Kane
- Darth
- Humphrey Bogart
- Igor
- Ilsa
- James Bond
- Jolly Roger
- Maltese
- Matrix
- Maul
- Mr. Darcy
- Neo
- Norman Bates
- Poe
- Raymond Chandler
- Rosebud
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg
- Sam Spade
- Severus
- Shamu
- Sirius
- Sith
- Snape
- Vader
- Venom
- Willie
- Zorro
Animation-Inspired Black and White Cat Names
- Betty Boop
- Chilly Willy
- Cruella
- Felix
- Flower
- Goofy
- Heckle
- Jeckle
- Mickey
- Minnie
- Pepe le Pew
- Perdita
- Pongo
- Snoopy
- Sylvester
Music- and Art-Inspired Black-and-White Cat Names
- Jazzy
- Maestro
- Piano
- Steinway
- Ansel Adams
- Pixel
- Smudge
- Speck
Food-Inspired Black and White Cat Names
- Babka
- Chip
- Cookie
- Cupcake
- Espresso
- Jack Daniel
- Java
- Mallomar
- Milkshake
- Oreo
- Patty
- Pepper
- Peppermint
- S’more
- Sundae
- Sushi
Animal-Inspired Black-and-White Cat Names
- Badger
- Cow
- Dalmation
- Holstein
- Ladybug
- Lemur
- Leopard
- Moo
- MooMoo
- Orca
- Osprey
- Panda
- Panther
- Penguin
- Pinto
- Puffin
- Tapir
- Zebra
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