Author: adminRrFtr124

Posted by Loulou on Feb 17, 2025 |  Relaxing on my tangerine cloud…keeping stillness inside of me.First, we hope your week is full of surprises and good weather and hopeful spring events like birdies chirping and little crocuses appearing in gardens, that sort of thing.Mama’s bulbs are pushing up their stems already so she is very pleased.Our spark for today is this. At least it’s a good way to begin to deal with this chaos created by a madman.And you can find a recipe here for a last-of-winter stew that is very popular in France.****Musk, as of today  has requested/demamded…

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Remember last December, my human picked up a sweater for me during my disappointing Santa visit? I never did get around to modeling it! When she went to look for it today, she saw it still had the tag on it! So we thought it might be a good idea for me to model it before spring came.As you can see, it’s a really good length. So many of my dresses and sweaters are a little short on me. This one’s practically a tunic.One of the things my human liked about this sweater was that it has long sleeves. So…

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They gave four kittens a fresh start. The smallest of the bunch captured everyone’s heart with her unstoppable spirit.Anna and ArendelleLori WhiteWhen Lori White, a volunteer with ARPO (The Alliance for Responsible Pet Ownership), learned about four kittens needing a foster home, she didn’t hesitate to help them.Soon, the kittens were on their way to a comfy home, leaving behind the shelter’s noise and stress for peace and comfort. Three tabbies (Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff) and one little house panther (Arendelle) were ready for a new beginning.Anna immediately stood out as the smallest of the bunch, weighing only 14 ounces.Anna…

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Well there appears to be none in the oval office. Sanity, that is. We are hoping that none of our readers is a farmer or needing drugs or medical research for possible cures for their afflictions or confidence that our nuclear secrets remain so and on and on and on. Many states who voted for Trump are beginnign to feel the impact of his cuts and refusal to obey laws that have protected our …The post Sunday Sanity appeared first on ADVERTISEMENT: Halo, para pengemar slots Pernah mendengar istilah “slot gacor”? Kalau tidak, siap-siap jatuh hati sama program…

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Were you wondering if there was a video of my Valentine’s Day date with the peach kitty? Because there is!My human usually shoots video the whole time we’re out. To be honest, most of it doesn’t look that great because we’re too close, or he’s too far away, or a bunch of other reasons. But usually she gets enough for a video that’s a minute or so.This one’s pretty cool because you can see him going in the enclosed patio. I hope you enjoy it! ADVERTISEMENT: Halo, para pengemar slots Pernah mendengar semboyan “slot demo”? Kalau belum, siap-siap jatuh cinta…

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Uh, oh, mama forgot which app this is on Lunapic! We took it from another long ago post because we liked it, but who knows what Style App means? She’s going to look again….have faith. This upheaval in the government is making her a little nutty. I think this Lunapic looks like the workings of mama’s brain, haha. Happy Saturday to all….breathe, breathe, breathe. Ommmmmm………The post Lunapic Rescue appeared first on ADVERTISEMENT: Hai, sobat pengemar slot! pernahkah mendengar istilah “raja slot? Kalau tidak, bersiaplah jatuh hati sama konsep ini. slot gacor merupakan mesin slots yang sering memberi win. Ya,…

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If you thought the photos of me and the Valentine lobster were ridiculous, just wait till you see the video!My human has been behind the past couple of weeks getting videos edited, and this is another one that didn’t get done in time for the blog post. But when she finally put it together, she realized that, as chaotic as it was, it was too funny not to share.I hope you agree with her! Check it out below and let me know in the comments! ADVERTISEMENT: Hai, para pengemar slot! Pernah denger semboyan “slot gacor”? Kalau tidak, siap-siap jatuh cinta…

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They gave a cat a safe place to raise her kittens instead of the shelter, watching her blossom before their eyes.Regina and her kittensAshleyA calico cat and her four newborns were brought to an animal shelter just after she had given birth.Knowing how stressful the shelter environment would be for the mom, the staff reached out for help. Ashley, a director of Liberation Cat House, quickly responded and welcomed the family of five into her home.Though nervous during the car ride, the calico shielded her kittens, keeping them safe and protected.Ashley”Sometimes, if mamas become too stressed, they will stop nursing…

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The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Hi, I’m Dr. Karyn! Read my introduction to learn more about me and meet my five hilarious cats: Clutch, Cyril, Alex, Zelda, and Zazzles. In the winter of 2019, for some reason that remains known only to him, Husband decided that four cats were not quite enough and that our already rather busy household was in need of a ginger. Enter Alex, named in memory of another little ginger cat called Axel, who was sadly struck by a car several years prior, which…

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I made mama laugh when I played ‘nana nonsense! Well, here are mama and papa MANY years ago…not sure they want me to divulge exactly when…. Mama: 1. Some find __ off-color, racist and misogenistic humor funny, but I don’t. Still, George Carlin is an exception… 2. WOW this blank is___ a ___huge challenge!!!! How about HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO EVERYONE. ! 3. I never finished __university because __I wnt off to discover other …The post Friday Funnies ❤️❤️❤️ appeared first on ADVERTISEMENT: Hello, para pengemar slots Pernah denger istilah “slot gaco”? jika belum, bersiaplah jatuh cinta sama program…

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